Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Around Town

On Monday we had no milk so we went to an Amish Restaurant called Katie's Kitchen. Uncle Ron and Aunt Kelly didn't tell me it was run by Amish and when I opened the door there was a little Amish girl who sat us. It freaked me out! I had a chicken tender and fries. It was good.

Ron and Kelly forced me to take a picture in front of Katie's Kitchen.

Then we went to Bird in Hand Bakery where we swung on swings and Ron and Kelly fed goats. I didn't feed them because I was scared. The sign said "Caution: May bite!" At the bakery we bought a whoopie pie for me and two apple dumplings.

Later we went to The National Toy Train Museum. I thought it was interesting because I got to play with the trains. I also mimicked Auntie Kelly's father because it made me think of him and all of his stories about when he was young. We all thought he would love that museum.

Here is uncle Ron trying to make me watch another boring video.

Here we were waiting for a buggy ride. This was at The Red Caboose Motel. It's really cool because you can sleep in cabooses and you can eat in a train car that is a restaurant. There was an old man statue in the lobby that I thought was real. It was freaky!

At the end of the trip we took a buggy ride. Here I am waiting for it to start.

Here is Auntie Kelly and I on a wagon. NOT a buggy.


The buggy ride was bumpy but I liked it. It was the best part of the day. During the ride we learned more about the Amish and we met an Amish girl who was selling lemonade. Our driver was even born and raised Amish but he never joined the church.

Uncle Ron loves these dumb things.

After dinner we went to the Strasburg Creamery across the street. I had peanut butter ice cream. It was the best.

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